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Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus


4th Jun 2024
This week in Forest School, Primary 3 used the mud kitchen to make their own magic...
4th Jun 2024
Primary 3 have been learning all about life in castle times! We have been comparing...
3rd Jun 2024
As part of their seashore topic, Primary 4 enjoyed a visit from Esther from RNLI...
30th May 2024
Today in Forest School, Primary 3 had a go at orienteering! We used a map of the...
15th May 2024
P6 had a super day at Hillsborough Castle! 🏰We enjoyed exploring the beautiful...
9th May 2024
In P6, we’ve started our new topic! We’re learning all about Northern...
9th May 2024
We’ve been using IZAK9 to apply our knowledge of number! We had to work in...
1st May 2024
Today in Forest School, Primary 4 made bird feeders. First, we had to carefully loop...
1st May 2024
P7 were tasked with locating different coloured pins at numbered locations on a map...