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Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus


22nd Jan 2024
We loved our first day of Nature Rangers after-school club! Primary 1-3 had...
22nd Jan 2024
Primary 3 have been learning all about the weather! Today we completed an experiment...
22nd Jan 2024
Storm Isha didn’t stop primary 2 from enjoying their outdoor learning today....
22nd Jan 2024
P7 used existing knowledge of triangles to try and solve some problems today.Working...
19th Jan 2024
P7 have been looking at how materials change 'state' when we apply heat, cold or...
17th Jan 2024
The children have been learning how our bones protect our organs. They were set the...
17th Jan 2024
Primary 5 have loved meeting baby Mason, their ‘Tiny Teacher’ for the...
17th Jan 2024
Primary 5 have been exploring coding using our new micro:bits. They needed to create...
17th Jan 2024
Primary 5 have been learning all about body systems in World Around Us! 🩻In Forest...
17th Jan 2024
Primary 5 were set the challenge to build their very own volcanoes! 🌋