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Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus

Problem solving in Primary One ☝️

25th Nov 2020

We have been working hard using different problem solving skills through our numeracy lessons. We started the year using the guess and check to make predictions as to how far we thought that our hard boiled Humpty Dumpty eggs would roll. We used cones and put out estimated markers before rolling them and checking how accurate our guesses were. We also guessed which bucket of jack and jills would hold the most water before checking to see by filling up with water. We also used our shape magnifying glasses to guess which2D we thought classroom objects were before checking with our special 2D magnifying glasses. 

We have been working on making different forms of tables to sort 2D shapes using at even two criteria as well as making our own criteria for sorting some of Goldilocks items and even some objects we found on our bear hunt. 

We have also made different lists about what we want to find on our autumn hunt and about what different items we think would be best to take on a bear hunt with us. 

Each week for our Tuesday morning numeracy we finish a pattern and some of us have been working to create our very own patterns using up to 5 different colours - WOW!

Take a look and see of what we have been up to 🤗