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Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus

P6 Hillsborough Castle trip 🏰

15th May 2024
P6 had a super day at Hillsborough Castle! 🏰
We enjoyed exploring the beautiful gardens, and even saw some baby geese! After that, we were transported to the year 1884 and went on a tour of Hillsborough Castle itself. We took part in a workshop with the Chief Housekeeper who told us all about the history of the castle, showed us around the different rooms, and taught us all about the servants’ jobs. We went to the dining room and discovered that the Hill family, who lived in the house in 1884, were very wealthy and loved to show off by putting pineapples on their dinner table - they used to cost £5000! After that, our fingernails and our teeth were inspected to make sure we were up to the task - Mrs Wharry and Mrs Connolly had some explaining to do about their nails! Finally, we went to the drawing room where we looked at lots of artefacts such as the coachman’s torch, a lamp trimmer and a chamber pot! We finished off the day in the walled garden, enjoying the space to play! A great day had by all!